Research Opportunities


Research can be an integral part of the City College of New York (CCNY) experience. Many opportunities are offered for students to pursue independent research in the CCNY Chemistry & Biochemistry Department. Interested students should contact a potential CCNY Chemistry or Biochemistry faculty mentor to express your informed interest. Here are Chemistry & Biochemistry Department faculty profiles that include current research activities. You should also chat with faculty and the CCAPP advising office about financial support sources for students engaged in laboratory research. 

The CCNY Chemistry & Biochemistry Department Honors & Independent Study courses allow students to receive bi elective course credit for conducting independent research and have the opportunity to have their research published. Honors students can also receive a chemistry honors distinction on their transcript. The principal differences between the Honors and Independent Study are that: (a) the GPA requirements for Honors are higher than those for Independent Study; (b) laboratory, field, or library research may be conducted for Independent Study, but Honors requires laboratory or field research; and (c) three semesters of 3 credits each are required for Honors, whereas Independent Study can be taken for 1-3 credits for each of one to three semesters. Continue reading below to learn how to apply for Chemistry Honors or Independent Study enrollment.

For questions or concerns contact:

Prof. Urs Jans at

Last Updated: 07/18/2024 16:56