Environmental Chemistry


Environmental students are trained to identify the effects of chemical species on the environment, to trace the sources, reactions and fates of such species and to devise chemical methods for treating environmental problems and bringing them under control. These skills will become increasingly valuable as the green industry grows.


Basic Chemistry
10301: General Chemistry I
10401: General Chemistry II
24300: Quantitative Analysis
26100: Organic Chemistry I
26200: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
26300: Organic Chemistry II
33000: Physical Chemistry I

Advanced Chemistry
Chem 32002: Biochemistry I (formerly Chem 45902)
Chem 33100: Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
Chem 33200: Physical Chemistry II
Chem 37400: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Chem 40600: Environmental Chemistry
Chem 40601: Environmental Chemistry Laboratory
Chem 40700: Environmental Organic Chemistry
Chem 42500: Inorganic Chemistry
Chem 43400: Physical Chemistry and Chemical Instrumentation
Laboratory II

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Last Updated: 07/11/2024 17:25