Understanding DegreeWorks - New Responsive Dashboard (Students)


DGW Responsive Dashboard

About DegreeWorks

DegreeWorks (DGW) is an easy-to-use web based academic advising tool for undergraduate programs. This system allows faculty, advisors and staff to make informed decisions regarding academic progress toward degree completion.

Benefits of DegreeWorks

  1. Track your overall degree progress

  2. Personalized advising and academic planning

  3. View course grades and cumulative grade-point average (GPA)

  4. Transparent course and credit transfer

  5. Clear path to graduation

Below is an overview of the DegreeWorks worksheet (academic audit):

Degree Requirements Section

♦ In Progress (IP) courses are counted in 'Credits Applied' totals

This section provides a summary of the degree requirements as well as the overall credits required to graduate. For questions regarding transfer credits, please contact Transfer Evaluation Services at CCNY.

Student Header

Degree Requirements



CUNY Skills Assessment

This section displays the status of the Skills Assessment Requirements. If these requirements are not fulfilled, please contact the Office of Evaluation and Testing at testing@ccny.cuny.edu .

Skill Assesment

Pathways-General Education Requirements

General Education or Pathways requirements will display based upon the year of entry into City College. For details regarding the pathways requirements contact a DegreeWorks liaison/advisor in your division. Click here to locate an advisor/liaison.

NOTE: If a student holds a prior degree (AA, AS or Baccalaureate) general education/pathways requirements are waived and the following section will not appear in the audit.

Pathways GE

College Option Section

The College Option section shows the college specific requirements that you need to fulfill for your degree. The number of College Option credits is 6, 9, or 12, depending upon the number of transfer credits and whether or not an associate degree has been earned.

NOTE: If a student holds a prior baccalaureate degree, the college option requirements are waived and the following section will not appear in the audit.

Click here for more information regarding the college option.

College Option

Major Requirements Section

The major requirements section lists the specific courses that are required to complete a major.

Major Requirements

Elective Classes Allowed

This section shows elective classes that may be used toward the completion of the degree.


Elective Classes NOT Allowed (This section impacts Financial Aid)

This section is very important in DegreeWorks because it impacts financial aid and therefore the TAP award. The courses in this category are not required toward the degree, according to the curriculum of record, and will therefore trigger a course ineligibility flag in the Financial Aid Certification & Tracking System (FACTS) for financial aid.

NOTE: Each semester please ensure that the course(s) "In-progress" do not fall into this section. If any course(s) a student is currently enrolled in falls into the "Elective Classes Not Allowed" section of the audit, you must contact a DegreeWorks liaison within your school or division in order to reconcile.

Click here to locate an advisor/liaison.

Electives Not Allowed

Insufficient/Non-Contributing Grades and Pending Permit Courses

This section is a good way to quickly see failed, withdrawn, and repeated courses.

Insufficient grade


This section shows the classes that are currently in progress.


How do I print DegreeWorks audit?

Press the printer button in the upper right hand corner of the audit. A new window will open, select dimensions and press "Open PDF". Once you press "Open PDF" a new window will open where you will be given a choice to either save or print an audit.


What-If Feature

Last Updated: 09/13/2023 10:58