Degree Requirements

All students must complete the pre-requisite, 3-credit course of MCA 10100 - Introduction to Media Studies.

Completion of MCA 101 must happen either prior to your declaring your major, OR concurrently with your doing so.

Required Courses for Advertising & PR Major (39 Credits):

MCA 20900 Introduction to Public Relations 3 credits
MCA 21000 Introduction to Advertising 3 credits
MCA 35000 Corporate Communications 3 credits
MCA 36000 Market Research 3 credits
MCA 36200 Public Relations Writing 4 credits
MCA 36300 Advertising Copywriting 4 credits
MCA 37500 Advertising Management 3 credits
MCA 37600 Advertising Planning 3 credits
MCA 36800 Media Planning 3 credits
MCA 46800 Advertising & Public Relations Workshop 4 credits
Electives/Internships 6 Credits worth of MCA-related Electives / Internships 6 credits

Two 3-credit Electives from the following list:

MCA 21100 Advertising & Public Relations Production 3 credits
MCA 23300 Intro to Journalism 3 credits
MCA 29900 Internship I 1 - 3 credits
MCA 39900 Internship II 1 - 3 credits
MCA 36500 Social Media Strategies 3 credits
MCA 37400 Event Planning 3 credits

or any of the other Ad/PR electives offered throughout the year as listed on CUNYFirst, in the CUNY Global Class Search.
Electives outside of Ad/PR that may applicable to the program will be considered to count as elective credits (with prior Ad/PR Advisor approval.)

= 42 Total Credits for B.A. in Communications Advertising & PR Major: 39 Credits in Ad/PR + 3 credit MCA 101 Pre-req.

(*in addition to general degree requirements)


The Ad/PR Program primarily offers DAYTIME classes. 

We regret that we cannot accommodate the academic needs of students who require evening courses.  

If you are seeking an evening program in Ad/PR, please visit the CCNY website for The Center For Worker Education.

Last Updated: 07/20/2024 18:30