Special Circumstances Appeal Information
Special Circumstances Appeal Information
During the academic year, you and your family may experience a change in your financial situation, or you and your family may have unusual circumstances that resulted in a reduction of your or your family's income that is considerably less than what was reported on the FAFSA.
Students and families who experience a loss in income, may qualify for additional federal financial aid assistance. When completing the FAFSA, a student reports income information from two years prior. If you have had a loss in income and previously did not qualify for a Federal Pell Grant, you may be eligible for additional funds based on an income adjustment. Possible circumstances may include unemployment, death of a wage-earner (parent, if dependent; spouse, if independent), divorce or loss of untaxed income (such as child support). A review of your circumstance will require income and substantiating support documentation for the circumstance.
Each family's situation is unique and is reviewed on a case by case basis. Submission of an appeal does not guarantee approval. Families should consider alternative payment arrangements while waiting for the outcome of an appeal.
Each student will experience a different hardship so we encourage you to reach out to financial aid and speak to a Financial Aid Administrator so we may determine whether or not you qualify to file an appeal. You can make an in-person or virtual appointment to speak to a Financial Aid Administrator. Schedule an appointment with CCNY Financial Aid Office.
The deadline to submit an appeal for FALL 2024 only is October 14, 2024*
The deadline to submit an appeal for FALL 2024 / Spring 2025 is March 14, 2025*
* All applicants that submits a special circumstance appeal must respond to CCNY Financial Aid Counselors document request in a timely manner. Lack of response by the applicant to supply requested documentation will cause requested appeals to be denied. Notification for additional appeal documentation is viewed in Student Forms.
Last Updated: 11/11/2024 10:52