Celebrating the life of Professor David Rumschitzki

A memorial for David Rumschitzki will be held on campus at The City College on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 at 1PM.  For those who would like to attend remotely, the Zoom link is HERE and below.


Meeting ID: 848 9254 2335
Passcode: 190387


2024 David Memorial


David came to CCNY in 1983 and so leaves our community as one of its longest serving and most engaged members. His research and teaching career led him to work on questions regarding the chemical processing of cholesterol in the blood, with a particular interest in how different cells engage the process of maintaining cholesterol homeostasis.  

David’s interest in arterial health was both professional and personal.  He was one of the most assiduous stewards of his own health that I’ve ever met.  As late as yesterday, he was preparing to run in the NY Marathon.  He ran, exercised, rode his bike for transportation and recreation and restricted his diet to vegetarian foods. He literally threw himself into his work, and his personal commitment to discovering pathways to better health was evident in his every professional contribution.

On campus, he was legendary for his stewardship of student research, his engagement with student clubs and his participation in faculty committees, including this year and in years past, in the executive committee of the faculty senate.  

Those who knew David best understood that he drew no distinction between his personal and professional life: many people say this, but for David, CCNY was his home and we were all his family. CCNY and the Grove School will not be the same without David among us. 


David Rumschitzki Memories

Last Updated: 04/02/2024 08:19