Compliance Training

Please find information regarding the mandatory compliance trainings in Blackboard below. As of August 28, 2024, the Workplace Violence Prevention Training (WPV), Employee Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (ESPARC), and Gender-Based Violence (GBVT) courses are now available.

Workplace Violence Prevention

In compliance with New York State law and the City University of New York Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention Policy, all CUNY employees are required to complete training in workplace violence awareness and prevention at least once each academic year.  For more information, please reference the Compliance Trainings FAQs.

The course is provided via CUNY Blackboard. To complete the training, please log-in to CUNY Blackboard following the instructions below. 

screenshot of the blackboard landing page for the compliance training
Blackboard Landing Page
screenshot of the workplace violence prevention training instructions
Workplace Violence Prevention Training Instructions
screenshot of the workplace violence prevention training landing page
Workplace Violence Prevention Training Landing Page
screenshot of the workplace violence prevention training Print Certificate Page
Workplace Violence Prevention Training Print Certificate Page

For Blackboard technically support, please contact Blackboard Support at . If you have questions about the course content or your registration for this course, email Andrea Yarde via . For more information about the Workplace Violence Prevention Program, click here.

ESPARC Training

In compliance with New York State law and CUNY’s Sexual Misconduct Policy, all CUNY employees are required to complete the Employee Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response Course (E-SPARC), which covers sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence, at least once every academic year. For more information, please reference the Compliance Trainings FAQs.

The course is provided via CUNY Blackboard. To complete the training, please log-in to CUNY Blackboard following the instructions below. 

screenshot of the blackboard landing page for the compliance training
Blackboard Landing Page
screenshot of the ESPARC training instructions
ESPARC Training Instructions
screenshot of the ESPARC training landing page
ESPARC Training Landing Page
screenshot of the ESPARC final page
ESPARC Training Final Page
screenshot of the ESPARC training print certificate
ESPARC Training Print Certificate Page

For Blackboard technically support, please contact Blackboard Support at . If you have questions about the course content or your registration for this course, email Andrea Yarde via .

Gender-Based Violence (GBVT)

In compliance with New York State law and CUNY Policy, all Human Resources Professionals and campus supervisors and managers with at least one direct report are required to complete the new Gender Based Violence Training (GBVT), which is committed to ensuring a survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive response for all employees experiencing domestic or gender-based violence, at least once every academic year. For more information, please reference the Compliance Trainings FAQs.

screenshot of the blackboard landing page for the compliance training
Blackboard Landing Page
screenshot of the GBVT instruction page
GBVT Instruction Page
screenshot of the GBVT Landing Page
GBVT Landing Page
screenshot of the GBVT Print Certificate page
GBVT Print Certificate Page

For Blackboard technically support, please contact Blackboard Support at . If you have questions about the course content or your registration for this course, email Andrea Yarde via

For New Hires

For New Hires: trainings must be completed within 30 days of their start date. More information can be found on the new hire page here

Last Updated: 09/11/2024 13:32