Performance Management

Employee performance evaluations are a vital function of faculty and staff who supervise employees, as well as required by the collective bargaining agreements applicable to the various non-teaching employee titles (e.g., HEO Series and Classified Staff) at the college.  HR looks forward to assisting supervisors in any way possible with meeting this mandate. If you have any questions, please email Andrea Yarde via , or call 212-650-7226.

HEOs Reappointment Notification Deadlines

Year 2025:

Appointment Type


Notification Date

First, Second, Third, Fourth or Fifth Reappointment

April 1st

First Appointments hired on or after October 1

May 1st

In addition, below are the reappointment notification dates
for HEOs who are excluded from the contract

First Year Appointment

June 1st

All Subsequent Reappointments

May 1st

Please email any HEO related questions to or call 212-650-7226.


Important Notes

  1. HR has established a due date of February 21, 2025, for supervisors to submit their completed performance evaluations to our office, for their employees in HEO-Series and/or Permanent Classified Staff titles.
    • Performance evaluations are also due by of before February 21, 2025, for employees with two or more years of service in Provisional Classified Staff titles.
    • The performance evaluation due dates for employees in Probationary Classified Staff titles will vary in accordance with the respective employee’s appointment date. If applicable to your unit, HR will provide appropriate guidance.
  2. Evaluations are required for all HEO-Series employees, including those with 13.3b status or currently in the middle of a two-year appointment.
  3. Employees who are subject to the HEO reappointment notification process, should have an evaluation on file in HR prior to their HEO reappointment notification date. 

Please email all completed Classified and/or HEO-Series performance evaluations to

Last Updated: 01/13/2025 12:48