Marshak Plaza July Updates 2023

July 20, 2023

Dear CCNY Community:

For this project update we can share that the installation of the temporary waterproofing at the West side of the Plaza is complete. For this 30-day period, the contractor will continue to install temporary waterproofing on the East side of the Plaza, demolition of the parapet walls and modification of the scaffold on the West side of the Plaza along Convent Avenue. During this work, noise and odor is expected from the demolition work and installation of the waterproofing material.

Plaza Level is a construction zone and pedestrian access to the Plaza is restricted for emergency use only. Directional signs are posted where required directing pedestrians to the nearest exit.

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we continue to improve the building infrastructure on our campus.  


Last Updated: 07/20/2023 15:12