
CCNY's procurement program goals are to purchase the best quality goods and services at the best possible price from the most responsible vendors in accordance with CUNY and NY State regulations. To the extent possible, CCNY is shifting its procurement policies to incorporate sustainability practices, packaging and utensils.

Our purchasing policies aim to comply with New York State's Executive Order 4 which requires purchasing sustainable products, such as: 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper products; Energy Star equipment, environmentally friendly hydraulic fluids for use on outdoor trash compactors; double-yield toner cartridges;  "Green" cleaning and custodial products; and hybrid vehicles. Our food service vendor has added sustainable clauses into the contracts negotiated with suppliers. They also comply with our policies on using environmentally friendly cleaning supplies and paper products for our dining rooms.

Since the onset of our CCNY Green Taskforce, our dining rooms no longer use Styrofoam products, and we continue to research biodegradable packaging.

Completed Goals:

  • Implemented "green only" cleaning products.
  • Increased purchase of recycled items form Staples from 15 % to 18 % for the years 2010 and 2011.
  • Purchased computers, carpets and furniture that can be recycled.

Current goals:

  • Increase purchase of recycled items by another 3 %.
  • Continue to meet the college's paper needs while maintaining compliance with NYS Executive Order 4.
  • Obtaining best prices using existing General Service Contractors and EcoLogo certified brands.

Future goals:

  • Continue to purchase computers and furniture that can be recycled.
  • Purchase rubber products made from recycled rubber where available, feasible and practical.

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Last Updated: 03/19/2024 14:27