Property Management follows the City University Policies and Procedures regarding movable capital equipment. The University must comply with federal regulations in the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110 and A-21. All movable capital equipment owned by, or located at City College should be identified in the property management system. This includes items that are donated, leased, loaned, or transferred to the college, as well as all equipment purchased by the college with either restricted or unrestricted funds.
Questions regarding Property Management policies and procedures should be addressed to the Property Management Office. in Compton Goethals CG17.
The Office of Property Management ("PM") is the point of contact for disposal of all capital assets (Computers, Monitors, Scanners, etc.) and the procedures set forth below apply to all equipment purchased with Tax‐levy, DASNY, Research Foundation, or any other funding source.
Our contact information is below:
Main Office, Property Management • Property Management
Phone - 212-650-5390 Fax - 212-650-6874
Location - CG17
Alimou Diallo • Property Management
Assistant Property Manager
Phone - 212-650-7063
Location - CG17
Emmanuel Mendez• Property Management
Property Specialist
Phone - 212-650-8296
Location - CG17
Annie Wu• Property Management
Property Specialist
Phone - 212-650-7442
Location - CG17
Jessica Auguste• Property Management
Property Specialist
Phone - 212-650-7765
Location - CG17
If you'd like for item(s) to be removed from your department or office, please complete the Property Removal Form.
If your department has more than a few items, use the additional equipment section of the form or make a separate Excel file and email it to us at
The list should include the following:
CUNY tag number
Serial Number
If you have any questions, we can be reached at extension x5390 and .
Additional Resources
Last Updated: 01/08/2025 15:12