Grants and Sponsored Programs (GSP) Pre-award team assists faculty and other principal investigators (PIs) throughout the proposal preparation and submission process. In order to have sufficient time to review the sponsor's guidelines, develop accurate budgets, prepare institutional documents and ensure a fully compliant application, GSP has established the following internal deadlines:
10 business days (2 weeks) before the submission deadline
- PI notifies GSP of planned submission via our Proposal Assistance Request System - PARS To learn more, PARS page
- Sponsor guidelines
- Lead institution requirements (if subcontract to CCNY)
- Tentative budget categories and amounts
- GSP Grants Administrator creates proposal record in Cayuse SP (within 2 days of receiving PARS)
5 business days (1 week) before the submission deadline
- PI provides these proposal elements:
- Completed FCOI forms
- Completed RCR certificate (if not provided at time of PARS submission)
- Final budget categories and amounts
- Draft abstract
- Completed compliance questions in Cayuse SP
- Animal and Human Subjects
- Export Control
- Intellectual Property
- GSP initiates internal routing and approval in Cayuse SP
3 business days before the submission deadline
- All affiliated Chairs, Deans and other administrators approve proposal for submission
- % Effort of all investigators
- Cost sharing (allowed only if required by sponsor)
- Appropriateness of project
2 Business days before submission deadline
- All final documents, such as:
- Proposal narrative
- References
- Summary/Abstract
- Budget Justification
- CVs/bio sketches
- Current and pending support
- Facilities documents
- Postdoctoral mentoring plans
- Letters of commitment
1 business day before the submission deadline
- GSP submits the proposal to the sponsor
Day of submission deadline
- GSP checks for any submission errors and works with PI on corrections
- Resubmit proposal if necessary
Last Updated: 07/22/2024 09:01